External Q-Links // February 2004
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- Accessible Web Typography
Accessible Web Typography — an introduction for web designers. A book by Jim Byrne. - Fun with forms
This article demonstrates how to apply customized backgrounds to HTML forms, while preserving stucturally clean markup and accesibility. - Yahoo! vs Google
Демонстрация. Flash inside. - Side-stepping IE
IE, IE. - TinyApps.Org
Welcome to TinyApps.Org, a guide to very small software for your PC. - Periodic Table of Blogs
Периодическая система хими… блогов. - Supporting IE in 2004
IE, IE. - Piefecta
Positioniseverything.net: Piefecta — A superb 3-col tableless layout. - CSS Depot
CSS Depot is a collection of CSS templates — not entire designs, only the actual layout boxes. - Dodging CSS Hacks
Don’t give IE’s box model what it wants. - Mozilla 1.7a
Mozilla 1.7 Alpha Release Notes. - Scoble The Designer; Understanding Design
Talks about «well designed weblogs». - Good design, wrong hands
When good design falls into the wrong hands. - <LINK> Navigation Bar
Toolbar for the IE/Win, designed to visualize the link information provided in the HTML <LINK> elements. - Head objects
CSS Slideshow. Images preloaded via objects in the head. - XML / DB
XML / Database Links. - Caching Tutorial
Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters. What’s a Web Cache? Why do people use them? Kinds of web caches, how web caches work, etc. - Opera 7.50 Preview 2 Win
Favicons in Bookmarks, Start Panel 2.0, Transfers Made Easier, Panels Improved and more. - under the iron: Dan Cederholm
Interview with Dan Cederholm. - getElementsByWhatever
This method will return a collection of objects who’s tag name, attribute names, attribute values or (optionally) text nodes match the "whatever" argument. - Css Iframe Mimic
Iframe + CSS. - Decompression bombs
Topic: Possible Denial-of-Service caused by decompression bombs. - XML parsing
Тестирование XML парсеров. - Why XML 1.1?
Why, why, why? - Pornzilla
Bookmarklets, extensions, recommended settings. - Question Marks
Just to refresh your memory, they look like this: ? - Usability: Facts and Stats
65% of users have problems with navigation. - I know CHMOD!
7 years experience in web development (jpg, 80kb). - CSS1 Slideshow
This is a marriage of a manual slideshow and an image gallery. - Mozilla FF: prefs.js
Optimizing Mozilla Firebird. The default configuration is not the best configuration. - Web Standards Awards
The WSA aims to promote web site design using W3C standards by seeking out and highlighting the finest standards-compliant sites on the Internet. - C is not my favourite language
kuro5hin.org: Why C Is Not My Favourite Programming Language. - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
MozillaZine launches Mozilla Knowledge Base. - PHP: caching
PHP Anthology, Volume 2: Applications. Chapter 5: Caching. - Mozilla Firefox 0.8 and Thunderbird 0.5
Mozilla Firebird renamed Firefox, version 0.8 released. Mozilla Thunderbird version 0.5 released. - When Pythons Attack
Some of the most common mistakes made by both new and veteran Python programmers. - Mozilla/FB: Web Developer extension
The Web Developer extension for Mozilla Firebird and Mozilla adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. - OurType
Flash site with fonts. - In Passing
«I could shave my head… Save the earth. I could be Moby.» Random things. Collection. - Stay with XML 1.0
Everything you need to know about XML 1.1 can be summed up in two rules… - Referrer Logs: interesting things
Steal this design! - ALA: Exploring Footers
Центрирование контента, позиционирование «подвала». - CSS Validator Changes the Rules
CSS Validator «Changes the Rules». Many valid CSS sites will be incorrectly labeled invalid. Don’t start redesigning just yet. - SimpleQuiz: Breadcrumbs
Breadcrumb navigation (aka «Вы находитесь здесь»). - Centering a Div
DIV: center. Simple. - Google Guide
googleguide.com. Interactive Tutorial Making Search Even Easier. - Your MT blog must die
«In conclusion: Move your shit over to LiveJournal. At least then we can pretend that it doesn’t exist and you can stop pretending that your shit doesn’t stink.» - The Browser Wars
«As Mozilla and his two new friends, Opera and Safari, grew stronger, Explorer grew stagnant. He stopped improving, stopped growing, and stopped becoming better.» Сказка на ночь. - Browser support 2004
2004 год. На какие браузеры стоит тратить свою энергию.