Архив записей по месяцам // December 2005

UMO and external updateURL

14th December 2005 - 18:22

ImgLikeOpera 0.6.5 — Approval Denied
Your item, ImgLikeOpera 0.6.5, has been reviewed by a Mozilla Update editor who took the following action:
Approval Denied

Your item was tested by Pontus Freyhult using N/A on N/A.
Editor’s Comments:
 Unfortunately, I cannot approve as policies have been updated and we no longer allow external update URLs. This extension was rejected because it had an external updateURL. Please remove it and repost extension to get it accepted. (When no updateURL is found, default addons.mozilla.org is used.)

О как. Интересно, уже были прецеденты или они заранее страхуются?

Categories: Soft | comments: (6)